At bedtime tonight I was feeding Greyson in Addison's room while Addison had gone down the hall to throw away a tissue. She comes back carrying my jammies. I said, "Oh thank you," thinking, wow I wonder why she brought them to me in here. She says "I saw them down the hall and brought them to you." I smiled a big smile, think how thoughtful my little Addison is. Wow.
Later on after we have read our stories, talked about the day and the exciting adventures snow she says, "I wonder where my daddy is?" because I had forgotten to show her on the map just like we do every night that daddy is away. Addison then says, " Mommy get the nap" (for some reason we just can't get the m sound attached to this word). Mommy must be tired tonight. So I explained to her that daddy is going to be staying in Pasco tonight, she says "At Costco," a store she is very familiar with, because she loves to have a hot dog while shopping. I said, " no honey he is not staying at Costco tonight he is staying in Pasco, Washington. You know Pasco with a P." She laid there for a moment and then says " He is not in Yakima, he is in Pasco. Pasco with a P. Daddy is in Pasco eating Pea's." I had to laugh.