Monday, December 8, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

Snowshoe tree farm here we come! The tradition continues for our 4th year in a row. All bundled up and ready for adventure we headed to the christmas tree farm only to discover that it was way to dark to actually cut our own tree. Instead we chose from a selection of fresh cut trees, this was fine with me since I always have a hard time choosing anyway. Addison loved the trees. She would hide and then call to us to come and find her, then she would giggle and try to say peek-a-boo but she was laughing so hard it was hard to understand her. She also discovered the puddles and proudly gave everyone a show of her newly discovered ability to jump with both feet off the ground, as well as jump and twist. She was delighted. Once we got home and brought the tree in the house Greyson was a little confused about having a tree in our dining room. He just looked up and down checking it out and then would smile. Addison ran around saying Santa is coming.

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