December was a very exciting month for our family. Christmas was coming and so were family members from all over. And don't forget the best part Santa, Reindeer and snow! Damien's brothers were all coming to visit during the month of December. Damien's oldest brother Sven and his family came all the way from Texas to spend the holidays with us. Noel and Dawn came from California and Tristan came from Taiwan. It was very exciting. We had two sets of kids exactly the same ages so it was like having twins. We enjoyed every minute.
Here we are enjoying a ride after touring the Zoo Lights and Point Defiance.
Naticia, Peyton, Sven and Shelby.
Little Miss Shelby enjoying an evening of Dress-up.
Greyson loving story time with Uncle Sven.
Shelby loved Dot. Every where that Dot went Shelby soon followed. It was adorable.
Grandpa reading bedtime stories to the little ones. I am not sure if Miss Peyton will be done riding the horse when the others are ready for bed. Precious.
Green Beans for everyone!
The children enjoyed snacking on Green Beans while they waited for dinner to be served. 
Little Miss Peyton having a snack, taking in her new surroundings and all the new people.
Little Miss Peyton having a snack, taking in her new surroundings and all the new people.
I love her little boots, her feet are so small it is amazing that she can walk. 
Early Christmas with Papa and Mimi...
Christmas with Mimi and Papa before they head to Idaho.
Greyson opening his puppy pillow with Mimi.
Actually, Greyson called it a Barker Pillow.
Addison looking alot like Shirley Temple in her new dress from Mimi and Papa.
December play date.. making ornaments!
Addison and Mary enjoying a story at our December ornament making play-date. The girls enjoyed reading stories to one another. What smart little 3 year- olds.
Greyson and Addison decorating their Christmas ornaments. Greyson had a hard time not eating the ornaments since he thought they were cookies.
Reindeer.. Rudolph..
Has anyone seen Rudolph? Or the next best thing, Baby Greyson putting mommy's chapstick on his nose so he can have a red nose just like Rudolph. Oh my, the things they think of.
I spy some green antlers and a pretty little lady. Dress up at its best.
Off to Bellevue to see Santa and his famous Reindeer.
Oh the excitement is everywhere!!

Addison and Greyson were so excited to see Santa. They kept peeking at him while they waited in line. They loved his workshop and seeing his reindeer fly near by. When it was finally their turn Addison proudly climbed on to Santa's lap smiling the whole time. Greyson was also so excited and kept saying, "hanta". He was just fine until he was placed upon Santa's lap and Santa put his arm around Greyson to hold on to him, then at that exactly moment the terrified tears began to fall. It was so adorable and sad at the same time. Once he was off of Santa's lap it was fine, and Santa was still a nice man.
Cooking with Mimi and Daddy.
Preparing Daddy's famous tomato soup. Yummy.
School Projects.
Addison made a bird feeder at preschool. She was so excited to be able to hang it in the trees out front. The joy of helping the little animals that might get hungry in the winter.
The first snow of the year.
Good things our new snow clothes had arrived.
Addison could hardly wait to get out the door and run in the dusting of snow.
Poor little baby.
Christmas Party with Play Group and Family
Christmas party with our precious friends. Look at how big the kids are getting. Wow where has the time gone. We have known these sweet kids since they were six months old now they are all 3 years old and most are big brothers or big sisters. Great times with friends, precious.
Here we are enjoying the annual Christmas party. Beautiful.

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree....
Luckily nothing was broken. Lots of smiles and singing.

Red and Green paper galore.
Searching for the perfect Christmas Tree with Grandpa, Mimi and Dad.
Greyson and I were in the truck waiting since Greyson was sleeping when we arrived at Snow Shoe Tree Farm. When he finally woke up he threw up all over me. Yucky. Greyson and I missed the hunt for the perfect tree, good thing we sent great hunters.
We had a great time making paper chains and decorating the house for Christmas.

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