We got an invitation to Addison's school to join the class and on a hike to the second bridge and have a snack. Up until this moment Addison has only been on hikes to the first bridge so this was going to be an new adventure all together. Daddy was able to join her on the special outing. When we were reading the invitation to Addison she squealed with excitement and said, "Daddy they built another bridge." We smiled. The joy of adventure.
Finding treasures along the way.
Checking out the view from the second bridge.
Sitting with her classmates to have a snack....
and some juice.
Damien had a great time hiking with Addison and her school. He was very happy with her great behavior and thought it was so cute how when the teachers talk all the kids stop, look and listen. Another great day at preschool. She took a great nap when she got home that day.
Hcbb Roblox Hack
3 years ago
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